Al otro lado de la puerta

…estaba frente a tres puertas exactamente iguales; sabía que al elegir una, no había vuelta atrás. Me decidí por la del medio, no deseaba tentar a la suerte entre una derecha o izquierda debido a las supersticiones existentes.

Al cruzar, llegué a una carpa de circo, quizás debido a que los payasos son uno de los personajes mas temidos por los niños, pero no era el caso esta vez.

Miré a mí alrededor y en las esquinas había varias personas con sus trajes a rayas y gorros con cascabeles en las puntas. Pude ver entre la escasa luz que todos tenían sus bocas cosidas con un hilo grueso y unas toscas puntadas y en los ojos botones sostenidos con alfileres.

Aún mudo por tan espantosa imagen, escuché un grito de terror el fondo de la carpa. Uno de los personajes que estaba ahí sin su boca cosida y aun con los ojos intactos, le anunciaba mi presencia a un espeluznante gordo, quien rápidamente tomó en sus manos aguja e hilo y dejo ver a su lado, una bolsa llena de botones.


On the other side of the door

…I was front three doors exactly alike; I knew that choosing one, there was no turning back. I chose the Middle, not wishing to tempt fate between a right or left due to existing superstitions.

After crossing, I arrived in a circus tent, perhaps because the clowns are one of the characters most feared by children, but it wasn’t the case this time.

I looked around me and in the corners had several people with their costumes to stripes and caps with bells at the tips. I could see between the little light that everyone had their mouths sewn with a thick thread and coarse stitches and eye buttons held with pins.

Still dumb by such hideous image, hear a cry of terror the bottom of the tent. One of the characters who was there without his sewn mouth and even with intact eyes, announced my presence to a creepy fat, who quickly took in his hands the needle and thread and I leave to see his side, a bag full of buttons.

You’re having a nightmare, and have to choose between three doors. Pick one, and tell us about what you find on the other side.

Daily Prompt: Just a Dream

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  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt: This Nightmare | Edward Hotspur

  4. Pingback: Haiku: Just A Dream… | Mirth and Motivation

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